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Strategy 2023

Strategy and operating plan

Our strategy covers a five-year period supported by our operating plan updated annually.

STEM Strategy

Our strategy 2023-28

This five-year strategy sets out our ambition for a greener, fairer and more resil­ient region.

Our strategy is guided by the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET), which calls for a new approach to deliver a green recovery and wellbeing economy for Scotland and all its regions.

It takes account of the leading role the Highlands and Islands plays in developing sectors such as energy, life sciences, creative industries, tourism, food and drink, and space.

There’s emphasis on harnessing the natural capital of the region to drive growth across these sectors as well as the wider blue economy – all of which are vital to Scotland’s economic transformation.

HIE Strategy 2023-28


Tha an ro-innleachd còig-bliadhna seo a' mìneachadh ar n-amas airson roinn nas uaine, nas cothromaiche agus nas fhulangaiche 

That an ro-innleachd air a stiùireadh leis an Ro-Innleachd Nàiseanta airson Cruth-atharrachadh Eaconamach (NSET), a tha ag iarraidh modh-obrach ùr gus slànachadh uaine agus eaconamaidh sunnd a lìbhrigeadh do dh’Alba agus a roinnean air fad.

Tha e a’ gabhail cunntas air an dreuchd chudromach stiùiridh a tha aig a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan ann an leasachadh earrannan leithid cumhachd, saidheansan beatha, gnìomhachasan cruthachail, turasachd, biadh is deoch, agus fànais.

Tha cuideam ga chur air calpa nàdarra na roinne a cheangal suas gus fàs a stiùireadh tarsainn nan earrannan sin a thuilleadh air an eaconamaidh ghorm nas fharsainge – iad uile deatamach do chruth-atharrachadh eaconamach na h-Alba.

Luchdaich a-nuas ar Ro-innleachd 2023-28


We refresh our Operating Plan inline with our strategy annually to ensure our focus and ambition is targeted where it's needed most for the benefit of our region and those who live, work, study, invest and visit. 

Download our operating plan 2022


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