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Cta Man
Woodside Arran 2

Report highlights importance of the region’s social enterprises

Published: 27/01/2023

Social enterprises are a critical part of the rural economy contributing £197m in the Highlands and Islands – up £32m since 2019.

This is according to recent figures released by the Social Enterprise in Scotland: Census 2021. The project was led by CEIS with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).  

In 2021, there were 1,277 social enterprises operating in the Highlands and Islands employing 7,228 full-time employees.
More than two thirds (68%) of social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands are led by women and 72% percent are located in rural areas.  

Many social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands own assets and manage land, including estates and islands, harness renewable energy technologies, create employment and provide an increasingly diverse range of essential services.   

Lewis and Uist were named as ‘Social Enterprise Places’ in 2021 in recognition of the services social enterprises are delivering in the Outer Hebrides. Ten percent (122) of social enterprises in the Highlands and Islands are based in the Outer Hebrides.   

One example is Macaulay College, based on a farm in the Isle of Lewis. It offers a programme of activities for people with additional social and educational requirements. 
Young people and adults with additional support needs are referred through social work and education departments. Those who attend get the opportunity to be involved in group activities such as animal care, crafts and produce, horticulture and construction, which help them to have meaningful and fulfilling social and working lives.  
The college was founded in 2010 by directors Roland Engebretsen and Rebecca Lindsay and now employs 11 FTEs.

Roland said: “As a small social enterprise that has grown steadily, it has had significant impact on the local community. The confidence and experience gained in attending Macaulay College has enabled some to move into employment and further education while for the majority of attendees, the benefits are evident through improved mental and physical health and increased quality of life. 

“Feedback from families shows that it is not only our service users who feel these benefits but it extends to the families too and was of particular importance whilst facing the challenges of the pandemic.”   

Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (Glason Estate Trust) is the community land trust responsible for managing the 56,000-acre Galson Estate on behalf of the community in north Lewis. Since the community buyout in 2007, projects ranging from tourism, youth and energy efficient projects have been taken forward by the Urras. The organisation is one of the largest employers in north Lewis with 16 members of staff.
Profits from three wind turbines installed by the Urras are distributed to the community through an investment fund, assisting local groups and organisations to make a difference. The fund has supported activities such as heritage, culture, sports, health and wellbeing, care and education all of which benefit local people and visitors to the area. The trust also plays a key role in providing a service for the community’s local crofting related matters.  
Agnes Rennie, Chair at the Urras, said: “The flow of wind energy income has enabled the Urras to expand beyond the level previously imagined. Creating a place for all generations and families to live well and flourish locally is fundamental to retaining and attracting people. The Urras has undertaken much work to ensure residents are able to access services and has been working hard to create opportunities to grow businesses and create jobs as well as developing the area as a vibrant area to live, work and visit.” 

Twenty-one percent (267) of social enterprises in the region are located in Argyll and the Islands.  

Kildonan-based Woodside Arran CIC is a social enterprise formed in May 2017 by husband-and-wife team Andrew and Jennifer Macdonald. Their initial aims were to address the lack of local fresh produce available on the island and create a diverse local food network for residents and visitors. 
Jennifer said: “Since we started the social enterprise we have tried many ways to make local food as convenient as possible for people. Last year, we invested in a vending machine, which has given us the chance to add local fruit and vegetables to people’s diet in a much more convenient and easy way. 

“This has allowed us to focus on the important job of growing as much local produce, which has resulted in the creation of new jobs here at the farm. We also offer outreach and education opportunities for the community and give them access to quality, affordable, healthy produce all year round and at the same time, reducing food miles.” 

Margaret McSporran, head of social enterprise development at HIE, said: “Social enterprises are a vital part of our community and economy in the Highlands and Islands and bring far-reaching benefits across the region. They create employment and skills opportunities, improve public services and support from of our hardest to reach individuals.   

“The study shows that social enterprises have a significant role in shaping rural communities. There has been a consistent rate of growth in the number of social enterprises in the region. The report provides us with data that helps demonstrate the breadth and diversity of social enterprises in the region as well as highlighting needs, challenges and opportunities. This will assist us to inform policy and investment to ensure the sector on the ground is given the support it needs to deliver social and economic benefits to their communities.”  
See the full report here

Aithisg a’ togail air cudromachd iomairtean sòisealta na roinne

Tha iomairtean sòisealta nam pàirt dheatamach den eaconamaidh dhùthchail agus a’ cur £197m ris a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan – suas £32m bho 2019.  

Tha seo a rèir figearan a chaidh a sgaoileadh o chionn ghoirid le Iomairt Shòisealta na h-Alba: Cunntas-sluaigh 2021. Chuir Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) taic ri rannsachadh airson a’ phròiseict.
Ann an 2021, bha 1,277 iomairtean sòisealta ag obrachadh anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan, a’ toirt cosnadh do 7,228 neach làn-ùine.
Tha còrr air dà thrian (68%) de dh’iomairtean sòisealta anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan air an stiùireadh le boireannaich agus tha 72% stèidhichte ann an sgìrean dùthchail.

Tha so-mhaoinean aig mòran iomairtean sòisealta anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan agus a’ stiùireadh fearann, a’ gabhail a-steach oighreachdan is eileanan, a’ dèiligeadh ri teicneòlasan cumhachd, a’ cruthachadh cosnadh agus a’ solarachadh raon a tha a’ sìor fhàs eadar-mheasgte de sheirbheisean riatanach.

Chaidh Leòdhas agus Uibhist ainmeachadh mar ‘Àiteachan Iomairt Shòisealta’ ann an 2021 mar aithne do na seirbheisean a tha iomairtean sòisealta a’ lìbhrigeadh ann an Innse Gall. Tha deich sa cheud (122) de dh’iomairtean sòisealta anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanann stèidhichte ann an Innse Gall.   

Is e Colaiste MhicAmhlaigh aon eisimpleir de dh’iomairt shòisealta, stèidhichte air tuathanas ann an Eilean Leòdhais. Tha e a’ tabhann prògram de ghnìomhachdan do dhaoine le feumalachdan sòisealta is foghlaim a bharrachd.
Tha clann sgoile, inbhich le duilgheadasan ionnsachaidh agus luchd-còmhnaidh thaighean-cùraim air am moladh tro roinnean obair shòisealta agus foghlaim. Tha iadsan a tha a’ frithealadh a’ faighinn a’ chothruim air a bhith an sàs ann an gnìomhachdan buidheannail leithid cùram bheathaichean, ceàird agus toraidhean, tuathanachas-leasa agus togail, a tha gan cuideachadh gu beatha obrach is shòisealta bhrìgheil agus choileanta a bhith aca.
Chaidh a’ cholaiste a stèidheachadh ann an 2010 leis an stiùiriche Roland Engebretson agus Rebecca Lindsay agus tha iad a’ fastadh 11 neach FTE.

Thuirt Roland: “Mar iomairt shòisealta bheag a tha air fàs mean air mhean, tha buaidh mhòr aige air a’ choimhearsnachd ionadail. Tha a’ mhisneachd agus an t-eòlas a tha daoine a bhios a’ frithealadh an tuathanais a’ faotainn, deatamach ann a bhith gan cuideachadh gus tagradh airson dreuchdan làn-ùine ann an raointean co-ionann.

Tha na seirbheisean air a bhith fìor chudromach ann an cuideachadh le slàinte inntinn nan daoine a tha a’ frithealadh a thuilleadh air an teaghlaichean, gu h-àraid tro bheagan bhliadhnaichean dùbhlanach.”  

Is e Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (Galson Estate Trust) an t-urras fearainn coimhearsnachd le uallach airson Oighreachd Ghabhsainn sa bheil 56,000 acair, a’ stiùireadh às leth na coimhearsnachd ann an ceann a tuath Leòdhais. On a chaidh a’ choimhearsnachd a cheannach ann an 2007, tha pròiseactan leithid turasachd, pròiseactan òigridh is cumhachd, air an toirt air adhart leis an Urras. Is e am buidheann aon de na fastaichean as motha ann an ceann a tuath Leòdhais le 16 bhuill obrach.  
Tha prothaid bho na trì crainn-ghaoithe a stèidhich an t-Urras, air a sgaoileadh don choimhearsnachd tro mhaoin tasgaidh, a’ cuideachadh bhuidhnean ionadail gus diofar a dhèanamh. Tha a’ mhaoin air taic a thoirt do ghnìomhachdan leithid dualchas, cultar, spòrs, slàinte agus sunnd, cùram agus foghlam, a tha uile nam buannachd do dhaoine agus luchd-tadhail sa choimhearsnachd. Tha prìomh àite aig an urras cuideachd ann an solarachadh seirbheis a thaobh chùisean co-cheangailte ri croitearachd sa choimhearsnachd ionadail.
Thuirt Agnes Rennie, Cathraiche an Urrais: “Tha an sruth de theachd-a-steach bho chumhachd gaoithe air a dhèanamh comasach don Urras leudachadh a-mach seachad air an ìre a bhathar an dùil aig an toiseach. Tha cruthachadh àite do na ginealaichean is na teaghlaichean uile bunaiteach a thaobh beatha mhath a bhith aca agus soirbheachadh gu h-ionadail ann an tarraing agus gleidheadh dhaoine. Tha an t-Urras air mòran obrach a ghabhail os làimh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil luchd-còmhnaidh comasach air seirbheisean fhaotainn, agus air a bhith ag obair cruaidh gus cothroman a mheudachadh agus obraichean a chruthachadh, a thuilleadh air an sgìre a leasachadh mar cheàrnaidh bheòthail airson a bhith a’ fuireach, ag obair agus a’ tadhal ann.” 

Tha fichead ’s a h-aon sa cheud (267) de dh’iomairtean sòisealta san dùthaich stèidhichte ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd.  

Is e iomairt shòisealta a th’ ann an Woodside Arran CIC stèidhichte ann an Cill Donnain, a chaidh a chruthachadh sa Chèitean 2017 leis an sgioba duine is bean Anndra is Jennifer MacDhòmhnaill. B’ e na prìomh amasan aca dèiligeadh ris an dìth toraidh ionadail a bha ri fhaotainn air an eilean agus lìonra bìdh ionadail eadar-mheasgte a chruthachadh do luchd-còmhnaidh agus luchd-tadhail.
Thuirt Jenny: “On a thòisich sinn air an iomairt shòisealta, tha sinn air mòran dòighean fheuchainn air biadh ionadail a dhèanamh cho goireasach ’s a ghabhas. An-uiridh, fhuair sinn inneal reic a tha air cothrom a thoirt dhuinn measan is glasraich a chur ri biadh dhaoine ann an dòigh mòran nas fhasa agus nas goireasaiche.

“Tha seo air ceadachadh dhuinn cuimseachadh air an obair chudromach an lùib nas urrainn dhuinn de thoradh ionadail fhàs, a tha air obraichean ùra a chruthachadh air an tuathanas. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ tabhann chothroman for-ruigheachd is foghlaim don choimhearsnachd agus a’ toirt cead dhaibh air toradh àrd-chàileachdail agus fallain aig prìs reusanta fhaighinn fad na bliadhna, agus aig an aon àm a’ lùghdachadh mhìltean bìdhe.”

Thuirt Mairead NicSporain, ceannard leasachaidh iomairt shòisealta aig HIE: “Tha iomairtean sòisealta nam pàirt dheatamach de ar coimhearsnachd agus eaconamaidh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus a’ tarraing bhuannachdan fad-ùine air feadh na roinne. Tha iad a’ cruthachadh chothroman cosnaidh is sgilean, a’ leasachadh sheirbheisean poblach agus taic bho dhaoine fa leth a tha doirbh an ruighinn. 

“Tha an sgrùdadh a’ sealltainn gu bheil àite sònraichte aig iomairtean sòisealta ann an cumadh choimhearsnachdan dùthchail. Tha ìre fàis chunbhalach air a bhith a’ gabhail àite anns an àireamh de dh’iomairtean sòisealta san roinn. Tha an aithisg a’ toirt dàta dhuinn a tha a’ cuideachadh le leud is iomadachd iomairtean sòisealta a thaisbeanadh anns an roinn a thuilleadh air togail air feumalachdan, dùbhlanan agus cothroman. Cuidichidh seo sinn le poileasaidh agus tasgadh fhiosrachadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an earrann air a’ ghrunnd a’ faotainn na taic air a bheil feum gus buannachdan sòisealta agus eaconamach a lìbhrigeadh do na coimhearsnachdan aca.”
