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OnTime IT & Comms Limited

Find out how a micro SME is delivering key community benefits in the Outer Hebrides.


Who are they?

Established in 2011, OnTime IT & Comms Limited are based in Stornoway. They provide ICT assistance to private and public sector organisations throughout the Outer Hebrides. Their customers vary between home users, small businesses to large enterprises. 

The business offers technical support and advice, installations and can help customers trouble shoot to find suitable technical solutions. 

OnTime IT & Comms Limited are also responsible for monitoring the Connected Communities network across the Outer Hebrides.

I would like to congratulate…OnTime for becoming the first islands-based firm to sign up as Living Wage employers. This sends a signal to customers and suppliers about fairness, showcasing the organisations commitment to be an ethical employer.
Alasdair Allan , MSP

The contract

In 2017, we set up a contract to deliver field support services for the Connected Communities Broadband Network in the Outer Hebrides, which is owned by HIE. The network delivers wholesale broadband access to five public sector and two private sector customers.

The contract sought to appoint a supplier that would be responsible for future installations, as well as the commissioning and decommissioning of equipment required to support the on-going operation of the network.

In addition to the IT technical skills needed to manage this contract, the supplier was required to use registered and accredited climbers and electrical engineers.

The tendering process required the bidder to outline any community benefits  they could offer as part of the delivery of the contract.

Delivering community benefit 

In the case of OnTime IT & Comms Limited, all the community benefits detailed were designed to benefit the local community, an ethos strongly embedded in their day-to-day operations. 

The business is committed to developing skills within the local workforce and as a direct result of winning the network contract, were able to facilitate and apprenticeship.

OnTime IT & Comms Limited has hosted multiple educational support initiatives that include hosting school visits to their office, providing work experience opportunities, mentoring, assisting with mock interviews and helping with CV’s to enable local people to gain new skills.

They have also created learning opportunities around Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), a field currently posing a large skills gap nationwide.  To enhance this, OnTime IT have also encouraged subcontractors to do the same but offering support through additional IT and climbing related courses to further develop competencies.

They also offered to set up free WIFI at local agricultural events and provide free technical support to a local radio station.

OnTime IT & Comms Limited view the delivery of the community benefits outlined as a long-term investment in their own company rather than additional costs. It allows the business to support skills development internally, support staff retention and upskilling, as well as creating new development opportunities.

The community benefits outlined in the tender response are regularly monitored and reported on as part of HIE’s contract management processes.


Equally important to HIE in the procurement process is how bidders seek to commit to fair work practices for all engaged in management and delivery of the contract, including employees, sub contractors and agency workers. OnTime was the first islands based business to be recognised as a Scottish Living Wage Employer and has now also signed to the Scottish Business Pledge in a bid to ensure a fairer society for all.

Since being awarded the contract they have also received Cyber Essentials accreditation, demonstrating awareness of and commitment to ensuring security of any data held.


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Living Wage


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