New facility for renewables industry trainees
People working in or entering Scotland’s growing renewables industry will soon have access to a new training facility in Inverness.
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A community project is under way to upgrade and secure the only fuel station on the west coast island of Jura.
The facility, in the village of Craighouse, has been operated by Jura Community Business (JCB) since 2001 with the help of local volunteers.
However, the pumps have become increasingly problematic due to their age, bringing a greater risk of failure, which could result in weeks without fuel supply or even complete closure of the station.
JCB has secured a £50,000 investment from HIE towards the total £110,000 cost of upgrading the station.
The works include installation of a four-pump dispenser, two each of petrol and diesel, which will enable two customers to fill up at the same time. There will also be a pay at the pump system to make filling up easier and quicker.
JCB will be able to generate fuel sales reports from a fuel monitoring function, and a new CCTV system will satisfy petroleum officer requirements. The group is also exploring the potential for EV charging points to be installed in the future.
The fuel station upgrade is one of several projects taken forward by JCB since the voluntary community group was formed in 1997. In 2019, it completed a £350,000 project to construct new business units, also in Craighouse.
Morag Goodfellow, HIE’s area manager for Argyll and the Islands, said:
“We have a vital role in supporting community led projects that bring social and economic benefits to rural communities. Our work with Jura Community Business, which spans several years, is an example of continuous engagement to build capacity and take forward key projects that strengthen the resilience of both the community organisation itself and the wider local population. The upgrade of the fuel station will be a major boost to the people of Jura and those who visit the island. It will also be a key factor in attracting new people and business to the island.”
Donald Ewen Darroch, a member of the JCB board, said:
“It’s great to be able to retain and improve an essential island service. The ability to have self-service along with slightly extended opening times will allow more flexibility for islanders and help ease the operating burden on the volunteers who operate the station. We appreciate the financial support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Argyll and Bute Council, without which this important project would not have proceeded.”
Pròiseact leasachaidh air stèisean connaidh Dhiùra
Tha pròiseact coimhearsnachd a’ dol air adhart gus an aon stèisean connaidh air eilean Dhiùra air costa an iar na h-Alba, a leasachadh agus a dhèanamh tèarainte.
Tha an goireas seo ann am baile Taigh na Creige, air a bhith ga obrachadh le Gnothachas Coimhearsnachd Dhiùra (JCB) bho 2001 le cuideachadh bho shaor-thoilich sa choimhearsnachd.
Ach, tha na pumpaichean air a bhith a’ sìor fhàs croiseil mar thoradh air an aois, le cunnart nas motha gum fàillingeadh iad, a dh’dhaodadh toradh ann an seachdainean às aonais solar connaidh no fiù dùnadh sìos gu tur air an stèisean.
Tha JCB air seibheachd de £50,000 fhaotainn bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) a dh’ionnsaigh na cosgais iomlan de £110,000 an lùib leasachadh an stèisein.
Tha an obair a’ gabhail a-steach stàlachadh air riaraiche ceithir-phumpaichean, a dhà an urra de pheatrail agus dìosail, a bheir comas do dhithis neach-ceannach lìonadh aig an aon àm. Cuideachd, bidh siostam pàighidh aig a’ phumpa an làthair gus a dhèanamh nas fhasa agus nas luaithe carbad a lìonadh.
Bidh JCB comasach air aithisgean reic connaidh a bhrosnachadh bho shiostam sgrùdaidh connadh, agus bidh siostam ùr CCTV a’ riarachadhd riatanasan an oifigeir pheatrail. Tha am buidheann cuideachd a’ rannsachadh a’ chomais air puingean teàirrdsidh EV a chur a-steach san àm ri teachd.
Tha leasachadh air an stèisean connaidh mar aon de ghrunn phròiseactan a tha air an coileanadh le JCB on a chaidh am buidheann coimhearsnachd saor-thoileach seo a stèidheachadh ann an 1997. Ann an 2019, chuir iad crìoch air pròiseact £350,000 airson aonadan gnothachais ùra a thogail, cuideachd ann an Taigh na Creige.
Thuirt Mòrag Goodfellow, manaidsear sgìreil HIE ann an Earra-Ghàidheal ’s na h-Eileanan:
“Tha dreuchd dheatamach againn ann a bhith a’ cur taic ri pròiseactan air an stiùireadh leis a’ choimhearsnachd a bhios a’ tarraing bhuannachdan sòisealta agus eaconamach gu coimhearsnachdan dùthchail. Tha ar n-obair le Gnothachas Coimhearsnachd Dhiùra, a tha a’ ruith thar grunn bhliadhnaichean, na eisimpleir de chom-pàirt leantainneach airson comas a thogail agus prìomh phròiseactan a thoirt air adhart, a tha a’ neartachadh fulangas na coimhearsnachd fhèin agus na h-àireimh-sluaigh ionadail nas fharsainge. Bidh an leasachadh air an stèisean connaidh na phrìomh thogail do mhuinntir Dhiùra agus dhaibhsan a bhios a’ tadhal air an eilean. Bidh e cuideachd na phrìomh adhbhar air daoine ùra agus gnothachas ùr a thàladh don eilean.”
Thuirt Dòmhnall Eòghann Mac’IlleRiabhaich, ball de bhòrd-stiùiridh JCB:
“Tha e fìor mhath a bhith comasach air seirbheis riatanach don eilean a ghleidheadh agus a leasachadh. Tha an cothrom air fèin-sheirbheis còmhla ri uairean fosgailte nas fhaide a’ ceadachadh barrachd sùbailteachd do na h-eileanaich agus a’ cuideachadh le uallach obrachaidh nan saor-thoileach a tha a’ ruith an stèisein, a lasachadh. Tha sinn fada an comain na taic ionmhasail a fhuaireadh bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid, nach b’ urrainn don phròiseact chudromach seo a dhol air adhart às aonais.”
People working in or entering Scotland’s growing renewables industry will soon have access to a new training facility in Inverness.
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